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Events (Vue component)

update:zoomLevelupdate zoom level
update:selectedNodesupdate selected nodes
update:selectedEdgesupdate selected edges
update:selectedPathsupdate selected paths
update:layoutsupdate layouts

Events (with event-handlers)

The following is a list of events that can be specified for event-handlers prop.

Event typeDescriptionEvent value
"view:load"component loadedundefined
"view:unload"mouse mode changedundefined
"view:mode"component unloaded"default" / "node" / "edge"
"view:click"background clicked{ event: MouseEvent }
When a double click occurs, the "view:click" event is fired twice. If you want to determine the second click that is judged to be a double click, you can use the value of event.detail`. (When it is a double click, the value will be 2.)

By default, double-clicking the background will zoom it. To disable this behavior, set view.doubleClickZoomEnabled" to false in Configuration.
"view:dblclick"background double clicked
"view:zoom"zoom level changednumber (new zoom level)
"view:pan"panned{ x: number, y: number }
"view:resize"container resized{ x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number }
"view:contextmenu"background right-clicked{ event: MouseEvent }
(To disable the browser's standard context menu, you have to call event.preventDefault() in the handler.)
"node:click"node clicked{ node: string, event: MouseEvent }
When a double click occurs, the "node:click" event is fired twice. If you want to determine the second click that is judged to be a double click, you can use the value of event.detail`. (When it is a double click, the value will be 2.)
"node:dblclick"node double clicked
"node:pointerover"pointer over on node{ node: string, event: PointerEvent }
"node:pointerout"pointer out on node
"node:pointerdown"pointer down on node
"node:pointerup"pointer up on node
"node:contextmenu"node right-clicked{ node: string, event: MouseEvent }
(To disable the browser's standard context menu, you have to call event.preventDefault() in the handler.)
"node:dragstart"node drag started{ NODE_ID: { x: number; y: number }, ... }
"node:pointermove"pointer move on node{ node: string, event: PointerEvent }
"node:dragend"node drag ended{ NODE_ID: { x: number; y: number }, ... }
"node:select"node selected[ NODE_ID, ...]
"edge:click"edge clicked not summarized edge:
{ edge: EDGE_ID, edges: [EDGE_ID], event: MouseEvent, summarized: false }

summarized edge:
{ edges: [EDGE_ID, ...], event: MouseEvent, summarized: true }

When a double click occurs, the "edge:click" event is fired twice. If you want to determine the second click that is judged to be a double click, you can use the value of event.detail`. (When it is a double click, the value will be 2.)
"edge:dblclick"edge double clicked
"edge:pointerover"pointer over on edge not summarized edge:
{ edge: EDGE_ID, edges: [EDGE_ID], event: PointerEvent, summarized: false }

summarized edge:
{ edges: [EDGE_ID, ...], event: PointerEvent, summarized: true }
"edge:pointerout"pointer out on edge
"edge:pointerdown"pointer down on edge
"edge:pointerup"pointer up on edge
"edge:contextmenu"edge right-clicked not summarized edge:
{ edge: EDGE_ID, edges: [EDGE_ID], event: MouseEvent, summarized: false }

summarized edge:
{ edges: [EDGE_ID, ...], event: MouseEvent, summarized: true }
"edge:select"edge selected[ EDGE_ID, ... ]
"path:click"path clicked{ path: Path, event: MouseEvent }
When a double click occurs, the "path:click" event is fired twice. If you want to determine the second click that is judged to be a double click, you can use the value of event.detail`.
"path:dblclick"path double clicked
"path:pointerover"pointer over on path{ path: PATH_ID, event: PointerEvent }
"path:pointerout"pointer out on path
"path:pointerdown"pointer down on path
"path:pointerup"pointer up on path
"path:contextmenu"path right-clicked{ path: Path, event: MouseEvent }
"path:select"path selected[ PATH_ID, ... ]